Wednesday, August 10, 2016

ITs been a while since posting a status. Its been balls to the wall with artwork and commissions which is a good thing. LOL

A lot of people have been inquiring about Variant Covers. Well, we DO them and have been getting more and more requests. We charge $150.00 for a B&W cover and $250.00 for a COLORED cover in which thats the whole SHEBANG. Inbox us if your interested or email us at

With fall coming, The Renegade Rabbi rides in November with its first release, SWIIISH 5 and final issue in the saga deploys in March of 2017. Currently, we are working on the second issue of The Renegade Rabbi for a July 2017 release so its been pretty busy in the GOBK Bullpen.

Meanwhile in Jacksonville Florida...props to our brother Jose Antonio Lopez for representing us at Tampa Comicon. Pics will follow as he will create a CON album for us. A shout out to Taric Smajic for working on our new software to bring you to a much better digital experience with our Komix.

Its been a hell of a run since we started. So much has transpired in both positive and negative directions. Lessons learned in the negative for sure, but more positive in every aspect that can reward us. As our business expands as well as our fanbase, GOBK Studios cannot begin to thank you for all your support and encouragement as we continue on this journey.

Also on the agenda, we have been approached by some gaming software companies to develop some character compositions in which I am very excited about being a gamer myself. SO stay tuned for that on the horizon.

We hope that the summer has been prosperous and forgiving anywhere that you may be. Until next time, take care, chill out and remember...

Stay Grumpy!