Sunday, August 16, 2015

Greetings from the GOBK headquarters! Officially STILL in my apartment, but as we move on...bigger and better things are always a possibility in COMICDOM.

The summer is almost at an end. A mild one in fact for NYC. But things have been HOT on the drawing boards with the boyz however.

The MAN SHARK cometh as promised. Slowly but surely for a 2016 release. The crew decided to slow it down a bit and take a break for the summer. With the SWIIISH series done with only 1 more story to tie in to finish the saga, I have been pounding the script out and getting the artwork done at a creative pace for the MAN SHARK. So many decisions are still to be made as I continue to put it together. Its a personal project on my behalf and I am quite pleased so far...but never satisfied.

What artist is?

On the other side of the city, deep in the heart of Queens, Grumpy Old Bastard Scott is whittling away at HIS drawing board on the Renegade Rabbi. The script complete, Scott is also taking his time and handing the pages in as we fit both projects within our schedules, so it is working out quite nicely with good results.

And last but not least, down in the heart of Times Square in HIZ studio, Eddie Torres is working on 2 covers and issue 4 of SWIIISH. His coloring skills compliment GOBK since day 1 and he definitely hits a home run every time.

With Newark Comicon around the corner and New York Comicon still lingering on the back burner, I am very proud of the accomplishments we have made since we started in January of this year. The business and production part of our adventure has expanded and we give a big thanks to them as well as they remain in the shadows until our next blog.

Until the next time my friends, we hope to see you at the CONS and thank you for your support always and remember...

Stay Grumpy!

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